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The Postgraduate Program in Letters at Porto Nacional has research centers and laboratories that offer the following infrastructure:



  • MULTILITERACY LABORATORY – LAM, with 1 TV, 4 computers with internet access, white board, 35 chairs with armrest;
  • LANGUAGE LABORATORY with 40 computers connected to the internet, headphones, TV, audio device, white board;
  • VIDEOCONFERENCE AND MASTER’S COMMITTEE ROOM: A room with TV, datashow projector, camera for video conferences, microphone, speaker, table, 40 chairs.
  • Classrooms of the Master in Letters, with datashow projector, table and chairs, table, with 8 swivel chairs, TV 47';
  • LABIN – The Campus Computer Laboratory, with 30 computers, datashow and internet access, for common use by undergraduate and graduate students;
  • 1 Room for the Research Groups – NEL – Language Studies Center and NIEL – Interdisciplinary Literary Studies Center. The room has 2 oval tables, 12 upholstered chairs, computer and printer. It is used for research by professors and students of the Master of Letters.
  • VIDEO STUDIO I, with 2 camcorders, 2 prompts, 2 TVs, 2 computers (used for filming Brazilian Sign Language). It is used for filming and data collection in Libras.
  • STUDIO OF THE INVENTORY OF THE BRAZILIAN SIGN LANGUAGE, with 4 camcorders, 2 computers, used for filming the Libras Inventory in the Region of Palmas - Corpus of Libras.
  • LABORATORY FOR DATA TRANSCRIPTION OF THE INVENTORY OF THE BRAZILIAN SIGN LANGUAGE, with 5 computers, used for transcribing data from the Inventory of Libras in the Region of Palmas – Corpus of Libras.


Laboratory for visual production. It comprises a recording studio for the preparation, translation and adaptation of teaching material used by students and teachers regarding teaching, research and extension. This laboratory consists of 3 spaces for filming, Chroma Key, cameras, teleprompter and editing area.


Auditorium. The auditorium is a space that serves the courses at Porto Nacional Campus. This space is equipped with chairs, executive table, pulpit and Datashow projector.

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