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Profile of the Master Student

The Master Course in Letters aims to foster the qualified training of teachers and professionals who work in education, as well as in other areas. It enables the research in mother tongue, second language, and foreign language, as well as literary studies.

Professionals who studied in the Master’s degree in Letters will be able to reflect critically on linguistic and literary phenomena and propose solutions to local, regional, national global issues and challenges. They will be able to use critical approaches to the innovation of teaching and research on linguistic and literary issues. They will be able to propose research projects, as well as discuss linguistic and literary approaches and methods, contributing to research in the fields of Linguistics and Literature.

The students have a varied background in linguistics (linguistic analysis, phonology, lexicon, geo-linguistics, sociolinguistics), applied linguistics, Brazilian sign language, history of linguistic and discourse analysis. In the literary field, they have a literary education focused on literature and history, imaginary, comparative literature, post-colonial literature and literature teaching. 

Professionals will be prepared for teaching at universities, MBA programs, as well as technical, technological training, high school and junior high school.

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