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    Relinter is responsible for strengthening, resuming and expanding international bilateral and multilateral agreements, ie this department is responsible for everything that involves any internationalization process of the university.

    The International Relations Coordination maintains contact with the Ministries of Education and Foreign Affairs of Brazil and its partner institutions, and also represents UFT in matters related to the internationalization of Federal Education Institutions.

    There are several projects carried out by Relinter such as: attraction of international students, UFT Brastestes that offers and certification of the Portuguese Course for foreigners and / or Additional Language, the GAE- Foreign Support Group, the International Friend Project in partnership with the University. of Maturity-UMA and the Languages ​​without Borders Project, partnerships with research teachers, undergraduate and graduate programs, institutes and core groups for the development of Relinter's activities. One example is the partnership with the UFT Language Center, which It empowers the university as a supporter and provider of extra-academic knowledge through a range of unified projects.


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