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In July 2014, the Letters faculty developed a master’s degree project in Letters to be submitted to The Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Assessment of Graduate Education (Capes). The Program was approved by Capes on April 10, 2015 with grade 3. The beginning of the Program activities took place on August 17, 2017.

The master’s degree course of the Graduate Program in Letters of Federal University of Tocantins at Porto Nacional was created due to the little quantity of qualified professionals in the areas of Linguistics and Literature in the state of Tocantins.

In 2017, the Program started to receive deaf candidates to foster the research in the line of research Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). Based on this demand, the Brazilian Sign Language line of research was created to strengthen the research in Libras in the Program.

In 2018, the line of research Text, Discourse and History was created due to a great social demand in this area.

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